Spiral of Experiential Education
Presentation by students from Kardokai Nature Academy
“Spiral of Experiential Education”
Friday afternoon · 17 May 2024 · 1 hour
If we want to walk towards global peace, we must first build peace and balance within. Nurturing curiosity in children is integral to this endeavor, fostering their natural development as they step strongly into their own unique paths.
The students of Kardokai Nature Academy, together with one of the teachers, will present the school’s daily life in practice. Students will also demonstrate how they realise themselves through personal elements, how academic subjects are integrated into daily favourite activities. In the course of the presentation, we will look at the principle of the spiral of human education, in what order are the different steps of curiosity placed, why is it an important, natural and appropriate order of learning?
Are you curious? Then stop by and experience the spiral of education together!

Kardokai Nature Academy