Local futures
Helena Norberg-Norberg
“Local futures”
Pre-recorded lecture
Duration: 1 hour
VENUE: Banegard
Prerecorded lecture by Helena Norberg-Hodge which will bring a discussion about culture, society and the way that we work together is becoming too segregated. Bringing examples from the past, but realising that we cannot go back to what was but instead can only look forwards to what is coming. Helena Norberg-Hodge is a respected analyst of the global economy’s impacts on communities, local economies, and personal identity around the world and the author of The Economics of Happiness. This hour-long session dives deep into many aspects of life and questions the status quo. Highlighting the connection between our own societies and the natural world. With actionable solutions that aim for “humanity to move together in a direction that supports life”, Helena will use her experiences and knowledge to explain some of the challenges and solutions globally.
Linguist, author and film maker, Helena Norberg-Hodge is the founder and director of the international non-profit organisation, Local Futures, a pioneer of the new economy movement, and the convenor of World Localization Day.
She is the author of several books, including ‘Ancient Futures: Learning from Ladakh’, an eye-opening tale of tradition and change in Ladakh, or “Little Tibet”. Together with a film of the same title, Ancient Futures has been translated into more than 40 languages, and sold half a million copies.
Her latest book is ‘Local is Our Future: Steps to an Economics of Happiness’. Other publications include ‘Bringing the Food Economy Home’ and ‘From the Ground Up: Rethinking Industrial Agriculture’