Clarifying your personal path
Workshop by by Koen Verbruggen
“Clarifying your personal path in contributing towards a better society”
Sunday, 180 minutes, PLACE
(max 30 participants)
We are here because we want to help make the world a better place. That’s often easier said than done. How? What? Where? Whom with?
Clarifying your own preferences and setting your own priorities can help be more effective as well as feel more fulfilling. This workshop is your personal journey, with moments of inspiration and input from your peers. It is aimed at seasoned activists as well as those new to social movements and everyone in between.
The goal is that you will gain clarity on which path of contributing fits you, fills you with passion and ultimately helps others. Through reflection on your story and drivers, through connecting with your ideals and values, your way forward shall emerge.
Koen Verbruggen is an activist, a trainer and a techie. For almost 15 years, he has been involved with participation and social movements of diverse kinds. In recent years, his focus has been keenly on well-being of people and groups, specifically those who are working as change makers.
Blogpost closely related to the envisioned experience can be found here.