Education amidst Conflict

Presentation hosted by DNS Cabo Delgado

Education amidst Conflict:

Teacher Training in Cabo Delgado, Mozambique

ONLINE  · Saturday morning · 18 May 2024 · 1 hour



From the conflict-ridden province of Cabo Delgado in northern Mozambique, where more than one million people have been displaced by armed conflict since 2017, we hear from Nelito Amur, Deputy Director of the EPF (DNS Teacher Training College).

The Teacher Training College has sustained its teacher training programme during armed conflict. It has continued to educate future rural primary school teachers to promote a democratic and participatory school environment: for peace and against war. Through a supportive network of graduated primary school teachers, the college provides quality education even in dire circumstances.



The Cabo Delgado conflict has its roots in the pre-existing socioeconomic marginalisation of northern Mozambique, political and religious ideology, and inequalities worsened by the discovery of minerals and natural gas deposits in the region, which has threatened the livelihood of the local population. Besides the ideology of the ASWJ/Al-Shabaab, poverty and marginalisation are also facilitating the armed group’s recruitment in the region. The Government’s response to Al-Shabaab has prompted the group to strategise and form small units able to confront government forces.

Nelito Amur

Nelito Amur

Deputy Director of the EPF, a DNS Teacher Training College run by ADPP Mozambique

ADPP Mozambique is a member of the Humana People to People family. Over the years, ADPP Mozambique has trained more than 20.000 teachers to participate in the development of the country.