Sports for Peace

Workshop by Andres Barrientos Tray

“Sports for Peace: Practice & Theory”


Saturday 19 May 2024 · 09:30 – 10:30 and 14:00 – 16:00




Understanding the concepts of positive peace and negative peace, maintaining a balance between firmness and benevolence, discerning the difference between punishments and consequences as well as rewards and recognitions.

Exploring the role of sports in fostering peace, contrasting punitive and restorative approaches, and strategies for setting boundaries, issuing warnings, and facilitating restorative conversations in real-time, focusing on attitude, identity, and technique.

Please note that participants are encouraged to attend both sessions, Saturday morning AND afternoon. The morning session is about theory and in the afternoon we do the practical part.






NicoAndres Barrientos Tray

representing the School of Culture of Peace

The School of Culture of Peace (ECP) is a peace research centre. It was created in 1999 to carry out research, teaching, awareness-raising and intervention activities in order to promote a culture of peace and nonviolent transformation of conflicts.